Cases & Blogs

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The top five risks of an outdated ERP system

The signals are loud and clear: your company’s ERP system is outdated and needs to be replaced. But when do you take action? Replacing an ERP system always involves cost and effort, so you may prefer to put it off. But the risks of an outdated system can be greater than you think. Below, we outline the five biggest risks.

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Five signs your ERP-system is outdated

If your organization uses an ERP system, it is important to regularly evaluate whether the system still meets your organization’s needs. Don’t assume that just because the system was implemented as an ‘all-encompassing solution’,  it still meets your organization’s current needs. Outdated software and integrations hinder employee productivity and risk the loss of valuable insights. An outdated ERP system can even hinder processes and stunt organizational growth. Here are five signs that indicate it is time to replace your ERP system.

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RFP template free download

Find P.E.S.T.O. in our free RFP template!

The back-office is arguably the most critical asset of your organization. Yet, many organizations are stuck in legacy old-fashioned back-offices. According to Gartner, 87% of senior business leaders view digitalization as a top priority. At one point, management identifies bottlenecks and inefficiencies within your current back-office and announces to renew it. You are, in turn, asked to write a Request For Proposal (RFP). Where do you start? How can you write the best RFP? Download our free RFP template and use the PESTO-method!

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Digital Adoption Platforms

How to run your digital transformation smoothly

Most business leaders embrace digitalization as a means to remain competitive. That is why the topic of digital transformation is a popular item on the company’s agenda. However, it turns out that organizations tend to underestimate the challenges of change. 27.5 percent of change initiatives fail, and other researchers even report a failure rate of 70 percent. Why do these change projects fail? How can the risks be mitigated?

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Technology driven vs. Scope driven ERP selection

Selecting a vendor for a new ERP solution should not be taken lightly. Buying an ERP platform is a costly and critical investment that affects your company’s future competitiveness and performance. Research shows that many initiatives fail to deliver the promised business value. Success limits factors like technical challenges, implementation time, resource constraints, scalability limitations, and upgrade problems.  

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blog top ERP vendors

Benefits of Netsuites integrated platform

A question that many organizations struggle with, how do I get more insight out of my data? Oracle Netsuite is currently making an advance in the Benelux. More and more organizations of different sizes choose the complete cloud platform.

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Three ways to embed Artificial Intelligence in your ERP

The proposed business case to migrate your company to a cloud ERP solution used to be based mainly on a lower TCO, or a maintenance-free platform. But there is more, technology enables us to do so much more. The possibilities a cloud platform can provide your business are endless and gives you opportunities that not long ago would have been impossible to imagine. Not only do you save costs by outsourcing your infrastructure and maintenance, but you can also make manual labor obsolete by deploying autonomous solutions that work intelligently.

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Wing your way to the cloud

In our previous blog, we elaborated on the idea that innovations around ERP and digital transformations are fashionable, but that it requires your business to have a stable digital core first. In this blog we focus on the value Cloud ERP can bring.

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New generation ERP

Will the new generation ERP kill EPM solutions?

A new generation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions is here. These cloud-based alternatives leverage in-memory database technology and offer front-ends on multiple devices. This new generation of ERP also provides analytical capabilities. What impact will these new capabilities have on the Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) arena? Will this new generation of ERP’s make EPM solutions obsolete?

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Oracle OpenWorld London

Visting Oracle OpenWorld Europe

Being the best guide for your customers in the Architecture, Selection, Implementation and Customer Success Management field, requires to keep your knowledge up to date. As it is our goal to always provide the best fit for our customers, it means we need to keep track of many solutions of many vendors. Fortunately, most vendors make life easy and organize events to keep their customers, partners and all interested parties like us informed. So we took off to London and visited Oracle OpenWorld Europe.

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