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The top five risks of an outdated ERP system

The signals are loud and clear: your company’s ERP system is outdated and needs to be replaced. But when do you take action? Replacing an ERP system always involves cost and effort, so you may prefer to put it off. But the risks of an outdated system can be greater than you think. Below, we outline the five biggest risks.

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Five signs your ERP-system is outdated

If your organization uses an ERP system, it is important to regularly evaluate whether the system still meets your organization’s needs. Don’t assume that just because the system was implemented as an ‘all-encompassing solution’,  it still meets your organization’s current needs. Outdated software and integrations hinder employee productivity and risk the loss of valuable insights. An outdated ERP system can even hinder processes and stunt organizational growth. Here are five signs that indicate it is time to replace your ERP system.

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drops integrate

Unlocking Organizational Potential: The Power of Business Capability Heat Maps

Your organization’s strategy is established, but its execution lags because of a gap between the strategy and the capabilities of your organization. A weak information landscape may be at the root of this problem. To tackle this challenge head-on, it is essential to first identify the organization’s current state. There are several ways to do this. To assess an organization’s information landscape and establish a clear roadmap for future success, we prefer using a Business Capability Heat Map.

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Five steps towards a supported data strategy

The transition to cloud applications is making unprecedented progress in many organizations. This comes with its challenges – for example, valuable data is regularly lost because it is “hidden” in different places in an organization and it is not communicated effectively between departments. This way, the available data within an organization is not used and eventually, valuable data is lost. A missed opportunity.

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First step in application landscape cleanup

Your company is growing fast. You are breaking sales records and taking over other companies. Together with your team, you celebrate these victories and are positive about the future. However, you know that this growth comes with challenges. For instance, a rapidly expanding application landscape that is hard to stay in control of.

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