Digital Adoption Platform

Infographic Digital Adoption Platforms

Learn about Digital Adoption Platforms in our free infographic. You will learn what a typical digital user journey looks like, what problems are solved by a DAP, and what features are offered by a DAP. Download the full PDF version for free.

Infographic Digital Adoption Platforms

Most business leaders embrace digitalization as a means to remain competitive. That is why the topic of digital transformation is a popular item on the management agenda. However, it turns out that organizations tend to underestimate the challenges of change. 27.5 percent of change initiatives fail, and other researchers even report a failure rate of 70 percent. A Digital Adoption Platform (or Digital Adoption Solution) is a strong tool to increase the success rate of your digitalization efforts. Learn about these platforms in our infographic and download the full PDF version for free.

Infographic Digital Adoption Platforms

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Cases & Solutions

Digital Adoption Platform

How to make business applications more Intuitive and user Friendly

To really get the value from your investments in technology, it’s crucial that the users in your organization make optimal use of the possibilities of the solutions. To drive the adoption of new solutions in your organization, Digital Adoption Platform are a special category of solutions in our portfolio. Newired is one of the leading Digital Adoption platforms. Newired closes the gap between people and the digital world. It does not sound as exciting as you might think, but wait till you find out how much this extension benefits your company in our free webinar!

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Digital Adoption Platforms

How to run your digital transformation smoothly

Most business leaders embrace digitalization as a means to remain competitive. That is why the topic of digital transformation is a popular item on the company’s agenda. However, it turns out that organizations tend to underestimate the challenges of change. 27.5 percent of change initiatives fail, and other researchers even report a failure rate of 70 percent. Why do these change projects fail? How can the risks be mitigated?

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